Try using a different USB port and cord, just to make sure neither of these are causing the problem. When your Mac camera is on, a green light will be illuminated next to it.

If it is, unplug it, and then plug it back in. You can turn on the camera on your Mac by opening an app that uses it, such as Zoom or FaceTime. If you’re using a USB webcam, make sure it’s plugged in. It’s also possible to use superior external cameras as webcams if you want to boost the video quality. However, you might need to buy an external webcam for some Mac models, like the Mac mini or Mac Pro. In the General options, make sure that Open in 32-bit mode is deselected. MacBooks, iMacs, and the iMac Pro all have internal cameras. Verify that Lightroom Classic is running in 64-bit mode on Mac OS In the Finder, navigate to the Applications folder and click Adobe Lightroom 3. RELATED: How (and When) to Reset the SMC on Your Mac Problems with an External Webcam You can find your particular model and instructions for resetting the SMC here. The image shows that there are no applications that have been granted access to the camera. How you reset the SMC depends entirely on which Mac you have. View the System Preference > Security & Privacy > Camera settings. It’s never been so easy to get professional results. Files automatically sync between Photoshop and Lightroom giving you even more flexibility with your editing workflow. The SMC is responsible for low-level settings, like fans and LEDs, but it might also impact your internal webcam. Bring your photography to life with adjustment sliders and filter tools. If you’ve tried everything else (or your webcam wasn’t listed in the System Report), you might want to try resetting your Mac’s System Management Controller (SMC). How To Improve Your Macbook's Video Camera Quality Built-In Camera VS External Camera Tech, Tesla, and more 1.56K subscribers Subscribe 398 78K views 2 years ago I have tried multiple.